Yoga is a popular form of exercise that can help you stay healthy both mentally and physically. It is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to improve physical strength, flexibility, and breathing. With regard to mental benefits, yoga can help improve focus and relieve stress, as well as relax and clear the mind. 

Additionally, when you learn yoga, you can also use your knowledge to become a teacher. This is where a yoga teacher training course comes into the picture to provide a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the practice and its values. In addition, it offers an array of benefits to help you become a successful and well-rounded instructor. 

This article covers the top five benefits of enrolling in a yoga teacher training course and how trained yoga professionals at Lab Studios can help you become a certified yoga instructor.

1. Deepen Your Practice

Yoga teacher training is an incredible way to deepen your yoga asanas practice and expand your understanding of the ancient art. Whether you are a beginner looking to start your journey or an experienced practitioner, enrolling in a yoga teacher training course can elevate your level of mastery. 

During yoga teacher training at Lab Studios, you will learn proper alignment cues, and breathing techniques. Our qualified yoga trainers will help you gain expertise in all aspects of your practice. They will also provide useful feedback for any concerns that you may have about the alignment of your poses, as well as offer tips so that you can teach your students how to properly execute them. 

2. Connect with Like-Minded People

Yoga teacher training courses are great for developing your skills and unlocking new doors in your practice. But an important advantage of attending these courses is the chance to connect with like-minded people. The course will give you an opportunity to meet other passionate practitioners, and share experiences, stories and advice about yoga. This connection can help you feel supported and inspired, and gives you the opportunity to develop a lifelong network of yogi friends.

3. Develop Teaching Skills

By enrolling in a yoga teacher training course, you also get to flex your teaching muscles and become a master of instruction. Our 200-hour Yoga Instructor Training course will give you the confidence to guide students through poses and sequences, as well as teach them proper breathing techniques. Throughout the course, we will be providing 160 contact hours in various forms such as group discussions and lectures in the studio that are led by experienced trainers. There will also be self-study sessions, written assessment preparations and 10 hours of teaching assessment preparation and practice teaching. You will also learn how to create effective lessons, hone your communication skills, and develop tools for managing a classroom. With our yoga teacher training course, you will be equipped with all the skills required to become a certified yoga instructor in Singapore.

4. Understanding Yogic Philosophy

Yoga teacher training course provides a deeper understanding of yogic philosophy and thought. With the teachings of our experienced yoga practitioners, you will gain an insight into the history and interpretation of yoga. You will also gain an understanding of various spiritual practices associated with yoga, and how they are applied to a modern lifestyle. Furthermore, our yoga teacher training classes will help you become confident in using yogic philosophy to create an enlightened version of yourself. 

5. Start Your Own Yoga Studio

By the end of our yoga teacher training course, you will have the necessary skills to properly instruct, guide and lead your students. You will be able to create meaningful classes, filled with knowledge and poses that are tailored specifically for your students. With our course, you will also get insights into the basics of yoga as a business and will be able to start your own yoga studio in Singapore. 

Live your Dream of Becoming a Yoga Teacher with Lab Studios

If you are ready to make your dream of becoming a yoga teacher a reality, Lab Studios offers everything you need to get started, from in-depth courses to resources such as practice plans and mentorship. 

By enrolling in our yoga teacher training course at our Yoga Lab School in Singapore, you will learn to confidently step into the role of a yoga instructor, no matter what level of experience or knowledge you have. Our trained yoga instructors will introduce you to a variety of sequencing techniques to ensure that your classes are both creative and deeply nourishing for your students. Our course provides comprehensive guidance on how to create meaningful transitions in every class, as well as key tips to help you cultivate a safe space for your students to move, explore and express. 

Learn more about our yoga teacher training course or contact us today to register for a free info session happening on the 8th of January 2023.